Media Kit
Retirement Marketplace:
2021 Media Kit
Thank you for helping us spread the word about Washington State’s Retirement Marketplace. We are grateful for your support in getting the word out about the program. Whether you are informing small businesses about the value of offering a retirement plan as an employer, or informing individuals about the importance of saving for retirement, both can be easily and affordably accomplished through the Marketplace.
This media kit will help you promote the Retirement Marketplace through your many communication channels, including social media. Please feel to use them “as is” for Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, newsletters, emails and/or other communications or use them as a springboard to create your own customized messaging.
If there are other materials that would be helpful to you, please let us know. We are open to suggestions and happy to assist as able.
Contact Robb Zerr, program director, at with questions, comments or requests for additional information.
Feel free to use these examples “as is” or use as a base to create your own message. Consider using one or more of the downloadable images above when posting to these platforms. Please post independently as well as share content generated from Commerce’s Facebook and/or LinkedIn accounts.
Feel free to use these examples “as is” or use as a base to create your own message. Please post independently as well as share content generated from Commerce’s Twitter account.
The attached examples are relatively short in length. If you are looking for a more expanded story, please email us and we will be happy to assist.
Video Links
For Individuals
Fact Sheets & Rack Cards

The Small Business Retirement Marketplace is administered by the Washington Department of Commerce as established in RCW Chapter 43.330.730-750. Plans carried on the Retirement Marketplace are verified by the Department of Financial Institutions and/or the Office of the Insurance Commissioner to meet the requirements set forth in RCW 43.330.732(7) and 735(6)(a).
Enrollment in plans on the Retirement Marketplace is voluntary. Plan enrollment is managed by private financial services firms. Saving through certain plans will not be appropriate for all individuals. Employer facilitation of most retirement savings plans carries certain legal obligations for which employers are entirely responsible. Contributing to a retirement savings plan may offer tax benefits and/or consequences. Other private sector plans not offered on the Retirement Marketplace may charge lower fees. Consult your tax or financial adviser with questions related to investments.
The trademarks and logos appearing on this page are owned by the respective companies named or depicted herein, and are used here by permission.